Links 09/11/2020
Like 2 or 3 weeks ago I found Christoph Stöttner blog and I realized he is keeping like a knowledge base/bookmark collection/linkdump per week and I found it very smart to keep track of what important things you visited, or just to have a place to save you bookmarks, and why not? share it to the people.
So today I’m starting my own effort to maintain my own KB, based on URL’s I visited.
It’s basically a blog with interesting posts about Linux, ElasticSearch. Contains lots of interesting links collected weekly into linkdumps.
📺 [NEW 2019] How to install ORACLE DATABASE 19c on virtual machine LINUX 7.5
Good video tutorial for installing Oracle 19c
Git bare repositories for dot files
Very smart implementacion to version control your dotfiles configurations. I tried lots of dotfiles configurations from Internet but I always got confused with so many customizations. I decide to create mines starting from scratch.
Using SSH Keys in Visual Studio Code on Windows
For some reason I always struggle a little bit when Im configuring my ssh keys with vscode in a new laptop to clone my repos. This is the tutorial I always use as a reference.